pengelola produksi adalah suatu proses secara berkesinambungan dan efektif menggunakan fungsi-fungsi manajemen yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasin, pengarahan, dan pengendalian untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai sumberdaya secara efisien dalam rangka mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
Manajer adalah seorang pegawai di suatu perusahaan yang bertugas mengkoordinasi berbagai kegiatan dari para pegawai perusahaan.
Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.
Dengan mengikuti pelatihan PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS Peserta dapat berbagi pengetahuan / sharing knowledge mengenai PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS dengan peserta dari perusahaan lain yang bergerak di bidang PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS
* Geologic Considerations in producing Operation
* Introduction
* Sandstone Reservoirs
* Geologic Factors Affecting Reservoir Properties in Sandstone
* Application of Geologic concepts in Specific Sandstone
* Carbonate Reservoirs
* Application of Geologic Concepts in Carbonate Reservoirs
* Reservoir Considerations in Well Completions
* Introduction
* Hydrocarbon Properties of Oil and Gas
* Recommendations of Obtaining Good Test Data
* “Eyeball” Interpretation of Pressure Charts
* Primary Cementing
* Introduction
* Cementing Materials
* Cement Additives
* Cement Bonding
* Flow Properties of Primary Cements
* Displacement Mechanics
* Cost of Primary Cementing
* Special Problem Situations-New Developments
* Primary Cementing Practices
* Well Completion Design
* Factors Influencing Well Completion Design
* Conventional Tubular Configuration
* Unconventional Tubular Configurations
* Sizing Production Tubular
* Completion Interval
* Permanent Well Completions (PWC)
* Tubingless Completion
* Tubing Strings,Packers,Subsurface Control Equipment
* Tubing Strings
* Steel Grades
* Tubing Connections
* Makeup of API Threaded connection
* Design of Tubing Strings
* High Strength Tubing
* Physical Properties of Steel
* Sensitivities of High Strength Tubing
* Tubing Inspection
* Tubing Handling Practices
* Equipment for Use With-Strength Tubing
* Tubing Running Practices
* API Publication List
* Packers and Subsurface Control Equipment
* Production Packers
* Subsurface Control Equipment
* Perforating Oil and Gas Wells
* Introduction
* Types of Perforators
* Evaluation of Perforator Performance
* Factors Aftecting Gun Perforating Results
* Perforating in a Clean Fluid with Differential Pressure Into Wellbore
* A Comparison between the GEO-VANN System and Other Perforating Methods in Wells Equipped with Packers
* Completion and Workover Fluids
* Functions-Requirements-Selection Criteria
* Formation Damage Related to Solids
* Oil Fluids-Practical Application
* Conventional Water-Base Mud
* Oil Base or Invert-Emulsion Muds
* Foam
* Perforating Fluids
* Packer Fluids
* Well Killing
* Through-Tubing Production Logging
* Introduction
* Logging Device
* Application of Through-Tubing Production logging
* Field Examples of Production Logging Techniques
* Primary Cement Evaluation
* Problem Well Analysis
* Problem Wells
* Problem Well Analysis Checklist
* Parafin and Asphaltene
* Introduction
* Paraffin and Asphaltene Chemistry
* Deposition Mechanisms
* Removal of Wax Deposits
* Preventing or Decreasing Wax Deposition
* Design of Wax Control
* Squeeze Cementing-Remedial Cementing
* Introduction
* Theoretical Considerations
* Practical Considerations
* Special Squeeze Cementing Situations
* Planning a Squeeze Cement Job
* Normal Operational Procedures
* Other Operational Procedures
* Plug-Back Operations
* Special Cement Systems
* Sand Control
* Introduction
* Reduction of Drag Force
* Mechanical Methods of Sand Control
* Practical Considerations in Gravel Packing
* Use of screen Without Gravel
* Resin Consolidation Methods
* Formation Damage
* Introduction
* Basic Causes of Damage
* Classification of Damage Mechanisms
* Reduced Absolute Permeability
* Increased Fluid Viscosity (Emulsion)
* Diagnosis of Formation Damage
* Surfactants for Well Treatments
* Characteristics of Surfactants
* Use and Action of Surfactant
* Formation Damage Susceptible to Surfactant Treatment
* Preventing or Removing Damage
* Well Stimulation With Surfactants
* Increasing Effectiveness of Rod Pumping
* Prevention of Well Damage
* Acidizing
* Acids Used in Well Stimulation
* Acid Additives
* Carbonate Acidizing
* Acidizing Techniques for Caronat Formations
* Sandstone Acidizing
* Potential Safety Hazard in Acidizing
* Hydraulic Fracturing
* Introduction
* Mechanics of Fracturing
* Production Increase from Fracturing
* Propping the Fracture
* Frac Fluids
* Frac Job Design
* Frac Job Evaluation Techniques
* Scale Deposition,Removal,and Prevention
* Introduction
* Causes of Scale Deposition
* Prediction and Identification of Scale
* Scale Removal
* Scale Prevention
* Corrosion Control
* The Corrosion Process
* Detection and Measurement of Corrosion
* Corrosion Control
* Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS
pelatihan Reservoir Considerations in Well Completions online Zoom :
Metode Training PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS dapat menggunakan fasilitas training zoom atau training online, dan bisa juga training offline atau training tatap muka.
pelatihan Hydrocarbon Properties of Oil and Gas online Zoom:
Instruktur yang mengajar pelatihan PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS ini adalah instruktur yang berkompeten di bidang PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.
Peserta yang dapat mengikuti training PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS ini adalah staff sdm atau karyawan yang ingin mendalami bidang PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT FOR MANAGERS
Karena kompleksnya pelatihan ini, maka dibutuhkan pendalaman yang lebih komprehensif melalui sebuah training. Dan menjadi sebuah kebutuhan akan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya
Jadwal Pelatihan tahun 2023
Batch 1 : 17 – 18 Januari 2023 | 26 – 27 Januari 2023
Batch 2 : 9 – 10 Februari 2023 | 21 – 22 Februari 2023
Batch 3 : 8 – 9 Maret 2023 | 16 – 17 Maret 2023
Batch 4 : 12 – 13 April 2023 | 20 – 21 April 2023
Batch 5 : 10 – 11 Mei 2023 | 25 – 26 Mei 2023
Batch 6 : 7 – 8 Juni 2023 | 22 – 23 Juni 2023
Batch 7 : 11 – 12 Juli 2023 | 27 – 28 Juli 2023
Batch 8 : 10 – 11 Agustus 2023 | 23 – 24 Agustus 2023
Batch 9 : 6 – 7 September 2023 | 21 – 22 September 2023
Batch 10 : 11 – 12 Oktober 2023 | 26 – 27 Oktober 2023
Batch 11 : 9 – 10 November 2023 | 21 – 22 November 2023
Batch 12 : 6 – 7 Desember 2023 | 21 – 22 Desember 2023
Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta
Waktu pelatihan Dua+1* hari dengan Biaya tersedia untuk Perorangan, Group, dan Inhouse Training, belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.
Untuk biaya dan jadwal training harap menghubungi marketing kembali
Investasi training
Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas training:
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.
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