

training DESKRIPSI TRAINING WEBINAR INTERKONEKSI PERANGKAT JARINGAN CISCO BAGIAN 1 (100-105) PERSIAPAN UJIAN : Perutean dan Pengalihan Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) adalah program sertifikasi untuk network engineer entry-level yang membantu memaksimalkan Anda dalam pengetahuan jaringan dasar dan meningkatkan nilai jaringan kerja Anda. CCNA Routing dan Switching ditujukan untuk Spesialis Jaringan, Administrator Jaringan dan Dukungan Jaringan Engineers dengan pengalaman 1-3 tahun. Perutean dan Pengalihan CCNA memvalidasi kemampuan untuk menginstal, mengkonfigurasi, mengoperasikan dan melakukan troubleshooting routing dan switching jaringan sedang merayakan. Menghubungkan Perangkat Jaringan Cisco 1 Interkoneksi Perangkat Jaringan Cisco Bagian 1 (ICND1) merupakan salah satu tahap awal untuk menempuh sertifikasi CCNA Routing and Switching yang mengacu pada jalur industri. Adapun tahapan selanjutnya yait Interkoneksi Perangkat Jaringan Cisco Bagian 2 (ICND2). Pada pelatihan Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1) materi yang diberikan fokus pada kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk instalasi, pengoperasian dan troubleshooting sebuah jaringan enterprise yang kecil, termasuk keamanan jaringan dasar. Dengan mengambil sertifikasi ICND1, maka anda akan memperoleh Cisco Teknisi Jaringan Entri Bersertifikat (CCENT). Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini. TUJUAN TRAINING FUNDAMENTALS OF ETHERNET LANS UNTUK PRAKERJA : Dengan mengikuti pelatihan Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation Peserta dapat berbagi pengetahuan / sharing knowledge mengenai Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation dengan peserta dari perusahaan lain yang bergerak di bidang Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation. MATERI pelatihan Interkoneksi Perangkat Jaringan Cisco Bagian 1 (100-105) Persiapan Ujian online Zoom : 1. The TCP/IP and OSI Networking Models 1.1. TCP/IP Networking Model 1.2. OSI Networking Model 1.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 2. Fundamentals of Ethernet LANs 2.1. An Overview of LANs 2.2. Building Physical Ethernet Networks with UTP 2.3. Sending Data in Ethernet Networks 2.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 3. Fundamentals of WANs 3.1. Leased Line WANs 3.2. Ethernet as a WAN Technology 3.3. Accessing the Internet 3.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 4. Fundamentals of IPv4 Addressing and Routing 4.1. Overview of Network Layer Functions 4.2. IPv4 Addressing 4.3. IPv4 Routing 4.4. Other Network Layer Features 4.5. Exam Preparation Tasks 5. Fundamentals of TCP/IP Transport and Applications 5.1. TCP/IP Layer 4 Protocols: TCP and UDP 5.2. TCP/IP Applications 5.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 6. Building Ethernet LANs with Switches 6.1. LAN Switching Concepts 6.2. Design Choices in Ethernet LANs 6.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 7. Installing and Operating Cisco LAN Switches 7.1. Accessing the Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switch CLI 7.2. Configuring Cisco IOS Software 7.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 8. Configuring Ethernet Switching 8.1. Configuration of Features in Common with Routers 8.2. LAN Switch Configuration and Operation 8.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 9. Implementing Ethernet Virtual LANs 9.1. Virtual LAN Concepts 9.2. VLAN and VLAN Trunking Configuration and Verification 9.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 10. Troubleshooting Ethernet LANs 10.1. Perspectives on Network Verification and Troubleshooting 10.2. Analyzing LAN Topology Using Cisco Discovery Protocol 10.3. Analyzing Switch Interface Status 10.4. Predicting Where Switches Will Forward Frames 10.5. Analyzing VLANs and VLAN Trunks 10.6. Exam Preparation Tasks 11. Perspectives on IPv4 Subnetting 1.1. Introduction to Subnetting 11.2. nalyze Subnetting and Addressing Needs 11.3. Make Design Choices 11.4. Plan the Implementation 11.5. Exam Preparation Tasks 12. Analyzing Classful IPv4 Networks 12.1. Classful Network Concepts 12.2. Practice with Classful Networks 12.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 12.4. Answers to Earlier Practice Problems 13. Analyzing Subnet Masks 13.1. Subnet Mask Conversion 13.2. dentifying Subnet Design Choices Using Masks 13.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 14. Analyzing Existing Subnets 14.1. Defining a Subnet 14.2. Analyzing Existing Subnets: Binary 14.3. Analyzing Existing Subnets: Decimal 14.4. Practice Analyzing Existing Subnets 14.5. Exam Preparation Tasks 15. Operating Cisco Routers 15.1. Installing Cisco Routers 15.2. Enabling IPv4 Support on Cisco Routers 15.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 16. Configuring IPv4 Addresses and Routes 16.1. IP Routing 16.2. Configuring Connected Routes 16.3. Configuring Static Routes 16.14. Exam Preparation Tasks 17. Learning IPv4 Routes with OSPFv2 17.1. Comparing Dynamic Routing Protocol Features 17.2. Understanding the OSPF Link-State Routing Protocol 17.3. OSPF Configuration 17.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 18. Configuring and Verifying Host Connectivity 18.1. Configuring Routers to Support DHCP 18.2. Verifying Host IPv4 Settings 18.3. Testing Connectivity with ping, traceroute, and telnet 18.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 19. Subnet Design 19.1. Choosing the Mask(s) to Meet Requirements 19.2. Finding All Subnet IDs 19.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 19.4. Answers to Earlier Practice Problems 19.5. Answers to Practice Finding All Subnet IDs 20. Variable-Length Subnet Masks 20.1. VLSM Concepts and Configuration 20.2. Finding VLSM Overlaps 20.3. Adding a New Subnet to an Existing VLSM Design 20.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 20.5. Answers to Earlier Practice Problems 20.6. Answers to Practice Adding VLSM Subnets 21. Route Summarization 21.1. Manual Route Summarization Concepts 21.2. Choosing the Best Summary Routes 21.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 21.4. Answers to Earlier Practice Problems 22. Basic IPv4 Access Control Lists 22.1. IPv4 Access Control List Basics 22.2. Standard Numbered IPv4 ACLs 22.3. Practice Applying Standard IP ACLs 22.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 23. Advanced IPv4 ACLs and Device Security 23.1. Extended Numbered IP Access Control Lists 23.2. Named ACLs and ACL Editing 23.3. Router and Switch Security 23.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 24. Network Address Translation 24.1. Perspectives on IPv4 Address Scalability 24.2. Network Address Translation Concepts 24.3. NAT Configuration and Troubleshooting 24.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 25. Fundamentals of IP Version 6 25.1. Introduction to IPv6 25.2. IPv6 Addressing Formats and Conventions 25.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 26. IPv6 Addressing and Subnetting 26.1. Global Unicast Addressing Concepts 26.2. Unique Local Unicast Addresses 26.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 27. Implementing IPv6 Addressing on Routers 27.1. Implementing Unicast IPv6 Addresses on Routers 27.2. Special Addresses Used by Routers 27.3. Exam Preparation Tasks 28. Implementing IPv6 Addressing on Hosts 28.1. The Neighbor Discovery Protocol 28.2. Dynamic Configuration of Host IPv6 Settings 28.3. Verification of Host IPv6 Connectivity 28.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 29. Implementing IPv6 Routing 29.1. Connected and Local IPv6 Routes 29.2. Static IPv6 Routes 29.3. Dynamic Routes with OSPFv3 29.4. Exam Preparation Tasks 30. Final Review 30.1. Advice About the Exam Event 30.2. Exam Review 30.3. Take Practice Exams 30.4. Practice Hands-On CLI Skills 30.5. Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation. METODE pelatihan Fundamentals of Ethernet LANs online Zoom : Metode Training Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation dapat menggunakan fasilitas training zoom atau training online, dan bisa juga training offline atau training tatap muka. INSTRUKTUR pelatihan Fundamentals of IPv4 Addressing and Routing online Zoom : Instruktur yang mengajar pelatihan Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation ini adalah instruktur yang berkompeten di bidang Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi. PESERTA : Peserta yang dapat mengikuti training Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation ini adalah staff sdm atau karyawan yang ingin mendalami bidang Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105) Exam Preparation. Karena kompleksnya pelatihan ini, maka dibutuhkan pendalaman yang lebih komprehensif melalui sebuah training. Dan menjadi sebuah kebutuhan akan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini. Jadwal Pelatihan tahun 2023 Batch 1 : 17 – 18 Januari 2023 | 26 – 27 Januari 2023 Batch 2 : 9 – 10 Februari 2023 | 21 – 22 Februari 2023 Batch 3 : 8 – 9 Maret 2023 | 16 – 17 Maret 2023 Batch 4 : 12 – 13 April 2023 | 20 – 21 April 2023 Batch 5 : 10 – 11 Mei 2023 | 25 – 26 Mei 2023 Batch 6 : 7 – 8 Juni 2023 | 22 – 23 Juni 2023 Batch 7 : 11 – 12 Juli 2023 | 27 – 28 Juli 2023 Batch 8 : 10 – 11 Agustus 2023 | 23 – 24 Agustus 2023 Batch 9 : 6 – 7 September 2023 | 21 – 22 September 2023 Batch 10 : 11 – 12 Oktober 2023 | 26 – 27 Oktober 2023 Batch 11 : 9 – 10 November 2023 | 21 – 22 November 2023 Batch 12 : 6 – 7 Desember 2023 | 21 – 22 Desember 2023 Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Lokasi Pelatihan Yogyakarta Jakarta Bandung Bali Lombok Catatan Waktu pelatihan Dua+1* hari dengan Biaya tersedia untuk Perorangan, Group, dan Inhouse Training, belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan. Untuk biaya dan jadwal training harap menghubungi marketing kembali
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Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us. Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan. Fasilitas training: Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*. Modul / Handout. Flashdisk*. Certificate of attendance. FREE Bag or bagpacker.
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