Training Information Technology Cost Management


Background The Information Technology Cost Management course is suited to IT people placed in the role as IT cost manager who have been performing the role for some time but have never received any formal training. The course is also suitable as an introduction for anyone thinking about IT cost analysis role or for other cost management management professionals with focus on IT investment and operation, and wanting to gain a more in-depth understanding of the role and responsibilities in the area of cost management. This ‘Fundamentals’ course is aimed at learning real-world IT cost analysis and IT budget development and implementation skills that can be used in the workplace especially in an organization with high IT investment. Course delegates or course participants ;should be able to return to their working environments and work as effective Cost Management team members immediately adding value and building effective relationships with business and IT stakeholders. The course uses case studies to analyze approaches to managerial cost investment and operation (capex and opex) The course also covers the application of decision and control models, planning and control in IT cost management, while also concern on decision control models, and cost planning. Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Information Technology Cost Management ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini. Mitra Solusi Training dapat menjadi mitra terpercaya anda untuk solusi kebutuhan training di perusahaan anda. Training Information Technology Cost ManagementJika anda mengikuti training di PT Mitra Solusi Training, anda akan mendapatkan pembahasan mengenai :
  1. Module 1 – Introduction to IT Cost Management
  2. Module 2 – : Performance Evaluation
  3. Module 3 – Strategic Investment For Information Technology
  4. Module 4 – IT Cost Management Information
  5. Module 5 – The Flexible Budget and Standard IT Costing
  6. Module 6 – Flexible Budget: Analyzing Factory Overhead
  7. Module 7 – Operational IT Cost
  8. Module 8 – Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for IT enterprise resource systems
  9. Module 9 – Strategic Investment for IT Infrastructure
  10. Module 10 – Review
  11. Study Case
Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Information Technology Cost Management ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini. Untuk itu pentingnya agar kita dapat dibimbing melaluli sebuah pelatihan Information Technology Cost Management, namun sayangnya tidak banyak training provider yang spesialis di bidang Management, untuk itu Perlunya bagi kita untuk dapat memilih provider training yang tepat agar pengetahuan kita mengenai Information Technology Cost Management tepat guna dan tepat sasaran. Hubungi Mitra Solusi Training bisa zoom, online / tatap muka, offline | WA : 0812 9044 6707 untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jadwal training Information Technology Cost Management yang terdekat yang akan running. Jika anda mengikuti pelatihan Information Technology Cost Management secara offline / tatap muka di Mitra Solusi Training, anda juga akan mendapatkan fasilitas : Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*. Modul / Handout. Flashdisk*. Certificate of attendance. FREE Bag or bagpacker. Lokasi yang dapat anda pilih antara lain : Yogyakarta Jakarta Bandung Surabaya Bali Lombok
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